Thursday, August 16, 2012

Friends in High Places

Friends in High Places Written By: Pat Aman, Phd You know, my daddy and mama raised my brothers and sisters, and me, not to hate anything. Well, I will say then that I dislike junk e-mail very much . I am receiving everyday things like start your own business, win big money and whatever you can think of that they are trying to sale. My pointer finger stays on the delete button. I do not even give these items time to go to my spirit, because what goes into your spirit is what comes out of your spirit. Today I received a e-mail that began, Good News Pat Aman, you must have friends in high places. Well that statement caught my eye. It went on to say call today for your free reading. WOW, right fast I said Satan, you and all your demons of hell are bound by the blood of Jesus, and by the way Satan, let me introduce you to my friends in high places. They are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and yes, they do have GOOD NEWS for me. God told me that He loved me enough to let His son Jesus die for my sins. Then Jesus told me that He died on the cross for me that I may have eternal life. Then the Holy Spirit lives within me daily, every moment of my life directing me in the paths I need to walk. So yes, Satan, I do have friends in high places. Satan will come in the back door if you do not keep your armor up. Praise God I had my armor on. (II Corinthians 10: 3-4 says, " For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." Walk in the flesh: Paul admits he is a mortal, living in the realities of the present world, but he does not war (fight) with mere human weapons. Our warfare: is not against flesh and blood, therefore, carnal (weak, worldly) weapons will not do. We need weapons that are God-empowered (mighty in God). Their purpose is for pulling down (demolishing) strongholds (anything opposing God's will.) Here Paul refers specifically to warfare in the mind, against arrogant rebellious ideas and attitudes (which he terms as imaginations and arguments), and against everything (pride) opposed to the true knowledge of God. The aim is to bring every disobedient thought into obedience to Christ. We must be determined to grow spiritually. Such growth is painful because one undergoes stretching, molding, and refining by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual people deal ruthlessly with any carnal thoughts in their own minds. We must be shaped by the Holy Spirit so that people can come to know Jesus through what they see. We must spend time in "God's presence." Expect the Spirit to transform you into the image of His glorious Son. Then we must recognize the spiritual war in our mind. Take captive every thought that is hostile to God, memorize scripture and meditate as a "military discipline" You need to ask yourself the question, What am I allowing to enter my mind that is not of God? It is important to realized that if you go to ungodly places, read ungodly books, watch ungodly T.V., listen to ungodly music that soon you spirit will be not only receiving these things, but you will soon be opening your mouth and these things will flow from you. (Proverbs 13:3) says, " He who guards his mouth preserves his life. But he who opens his lips shall have destruction." In others words, there is life and death in the tongue, what you speak shall be. Father God, I praise your Holy Name. I thank you that you have covered me and my family with the blood of Jesus. I thank you that you live with me daily. And thank you for being my friend in high places. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen and Amen Blessings, Love and Prayers, Pastor Pat Aman Also, please know that: I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with Joy. Philippians 1: 3-4 I end each message with "My Blessings, Love & Prayers," I truly mean that, and I pray for each of you every morning and evening. (Nehemiah 8:10) "The Joy Of The Lord, Is Your Strength." (Proverbs 17:22) "A Merry Heart Does Good, Like Medicine, But A Broken Spirit Dries The Bones."