Saturday, October 19, 2013

Mama's Petunia Garden

        Mama's Petunia Garden

October 22nd will be the Fifth anniversary of Mama's Homegoing. I do miss her so much. She was 93 years young.
Mama loved flowers. The last few years of her life on this earth, she had those old timey petunias growing around the house. Everyone who came to visit took some of them home, including me.
The first two years my petunia garden was a delight. The petunias seem to just multiply and they were so beautiful. Then the next year not one petunia came up. The bed was so empty. As I sat on the porch and looked in the corner where they were planted, it was so sad to not see them blooming, mostly at a time I really needed to see them. I needed something that Mama had grown, something she had touched.
A good friend of mine who took her Heavenly Journey Home last year, had given me some yellow cannas and where I had put them they had not really grown, so I decided to move them to that spot, the exact place where the petunias had been for the last two years. The cannas are still blooming, and the yellow flowers are wonders to behold.
A few days ago, I walked outside in the yard. As I walked, I noticed something in the flower bed that was not a canna. I walked over, and my eyes filled with tears as I realized it was the most beautiful petunia plant. The leaves were dark green, and on the plant was one bloom. A lavender petunia with white around the edges. The first words out of my mouth was thank you God, thank you for letting this petunia grow and bloom this week, the very week that I needed to feel a touch of my Mama's Hand.  It let me know she is okay and I will be okay. And also, I thought, God is also letting the yellow cannas grow around the petunia, so I can  remember Kaye and Mama. Kaye loved mama and they both loved to plant flowers, so God gave me and extra blessing.
An extra note, the petunias at my sister, Ruby's house, where Mama lived her last eight years, did not bloom this year either. But when I called Ruby today to tell her about the one petunia blooming in my flower bed, she said Pat, would you believe that I also have one petunia plant that has grown in the back yard also. Of course, she started crying, and I joined her as we rejoiced together in the special way that God decided to bless us today. Yes, one, lone petunia, but that is all we needed.
Thank God for the small Miracles that He blesses us with, to show us His love.

Fannie Mae Wade Hunter
12/26/14 - 10/22/08
My Mama’s Bible

Written and Copyrighted
Coffee With Pat Ministries 2008
Mama's Bible, so ragged and worn,
Its pages are scribbled, ripped and torn.
Its been around for ages, she's had it for years,
Some pages smudged by rain and some by her tears

The name on the cover is faded, it's true.
There might be a page missing, or two.
To look at that book one might scoff and frown
They may say, "Why, there's no use in keeping it around.
"A new Bible, I'm certain, is what you must need,
With pages so perfect, and pictures indeed."
But friends, I know better and I'm here to persuade'
There's more in that ol' book, more than I can say.

For she read it and held it so close to her heart,
Its Knowledge and Wisdom and Love to impart.
She held it so tightly, through storm and through chill,
But ever much closer when her children were ill.

Her faith can be seen on each page and each line,
Her writings of love time after time.
She carried it high through thick and through thin,
So proud of the holy scriptures contained within.

Of all of the treasures in this world we can hold,
This Bible of mama's so ragged and old.
Is far more precious than silver and gold.
No memory is more precious, none that I hold so dear,
When the storms of my life bring me much fear
The vision of mother, the love on her face . . .
 As she read that old bible and told me of Jesus saving grace.
Poem and Devotion Written By: Pastor Pat Aman  August 26, 2008 - Copyright

Devotion Written By: Pastor Pat Aman  Book © 1996/2009 "Coffee