Monday, March 28, 2011

Gone Fishin

(Deuteronomy 33:27)
"The Eternal God is your Refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms."

Hi Everyone,
I have a question for you. Have you ever felt just like goin fishin? Yes, I spelled it correct. Goin Fishin not Going Fishing.

There is a different. When you Going Fishing, you are serious about what you are doing. You plan to catch a big string of fish to bring home and fry. As for myself I take this type of Fishing very seriously. When I go to fish, I plan on doing some serious fishing.

But when you are Goin Fishin, well that is just another word for saying, "hey I need a break."

A couple of years ago, my youngest daughter sent me a song called "Gone Fishin"
Written and Song By "Chairman of the Board"

It main subject is I had enough so I goin fishin.

She knows that I love to fish. She also knows when I need to be by my self, that I will grab a pole and go sit by the nearest lake. Not really to catch anything, but just relax and pray.

I am going to share a few of the words to the song with you. And when you read them, you better not say, "I have never felt that way." If you do, I will pray for you. Ha Ha Ha Ha

I cannot quote all the words at this time, but it goes something like,

"Everybody wants me to be what they want me to be,
But I can't be no body else but me.
I am sick in tired of trying to please everyone else.
I gonna take me some time and steal away and please myself.
I gonna walk away and want look back.
If anyone asked where I'm at. I'm gone fishin, wasting some time,
gone fishin, leaving my troubles behind, gone fishin, I'm resting my mind.
If I don't get away I'm goin to loss my mind.

Prices to high, my money is low,
My friend who ask me for a loan
ain't my friend no more,
What the use in worrying about the things you can't do
nothing about.
Be happy go lucky, time will work it out.
I am going to lock my door,and close my blinds,
In my window I gonna leave a sign,
Gone Fishin, wasting some time, gone fishin, leaving my troubles behind
gone fishin, resting my mind, gone fishin.

Sing a Happy Song

Yes, there are times that we feel we need to go fishin. That is the times we need to sit in the Presence of the Lord. That is the times we need to seek His wisdom.

You know, I am glad that the Lord, does not shut His blinds and close the door, and put a sign out that says, "Gone Fishin."

For I am sure at times He may feel like it, but He is always there for us. With arms wide open for us to run into. We can always find refuge in the Shelter of His Mighty Wings.

Oh, and if I were to talk to some of your friends and family, they might tell me, Yes, Pastor Pat, __________________,(put your name in the blank) needs to take your advise and chill, take a break and go fishin...

So, grab a pole and met me at the nearest lake. Oh, if something happens that I cannot be there, God told me to tell you that He would be there for sure. You could count on Him. He said to tell you He is excited about the fishin trip, and He has a lot in store for you. He is expecting good conversation and said to tell you that He is ready to just lay back and relax with you, down at the fishin hole.

Also, He said to tell you that you will not need to bring anything to drink, because He is the only living water that you will need. And, He will supply the fish, so don't worry about bringing anything to eat. He is going to furnish everything you will need for this fishin trip.

Oh, If I do not make it, you and God have a good time.

Devotion Written By: Pastor Pat Aman Book © 1996/2011 "Coffee With Pat Daily Devotionals"
Study Notes: The New King James Bible
Unless otherwise stated, all content in this mail is © 1996 through 2009 by Coffee With Pat, and the Respected Authors.

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