Monday, November 19, 2012

My New Life. Living Healthy in an Unhealthly World - Part 2

Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Is it easy? No! Anything that is worth doing is going to take some work.
The pictures above were taken in October 2012.
As you can see I need a new wardrobe. I was a size 30/32, and I am now an 18/20.
I just went through my closet and I have 6 BIG bags of clothes to give away.
I now own 2 pair of jeans, 1 pair of dress pants, 1 jacket, 4 shirts, and 4 pair of shoes that fit and 1 dress I bought for church two months ago is now to big. Praise God!
I still have a long way to go, but with God's help, I know that I will continue in my journery of becoming healthly.
I would like to lose 100 more pounds, and be able to keep the weight off.  But to do this, I know I will have to change my lifestyle. I must educate myself by praying, reading God's Word, and doing research, to keep myself motivated.
And, I know that I have the support of my family. Praise God!
The word DIET is not in my vocabulary, and it will never be. I will always say I am learning to live and eat in a healthy lifestyle.
Understand, I had a gastric stapling in 1989, and a repair in 1996, but I lost then gained more back.
So, now, God and I want to take a different route so I can live a long life to grow old and happy and enjoy my family and someday my grandchildren.
I know you are wondering what I eat? Well, I eat about what I want, except I cook it healthy.
I love chicken, fish and all kinds of seafood, so I eat a lot of it. NO Tuna! I just do not care for Tuna. I do eat chicken salad sandwiches.  I love chicken salad. but, no more then 2 pieces of sandwich bread a day.
Remember, the key is keeping food in your fridge and cabinets that you can fix fast when you are hungry. Try to set a time to eat everyday.  Yes, I know that it's hard, but just make sure you eat. Your body needs to start your metabolism. If you starve your body, your body will store everything you eat.
Also, take the time to make your meal look pleasing.
Here are a couple of pictures I have taken of the food I prepared to eat.
1. A spring salad with crab meat, shrimp, oranges, and granola. If I want I can eat two plates of salad, but it is better to settle for one plate. Remember, you should eat 6 small meals a day. 3 meals and 3 snacks.
I buy the spring salad in the container, (not the bags of lettuce), and you do not wash the spring salad, and it stays fresh in your fridge for two weeks or more. I purchase immitation crab meat in a package ready to eat for $2.50 at a local super market/retail store. I also buy the shrimp in a bag frozen. It is ready to eat. There are about 40-60 shrimp in a bag for $5.00. I get however many shrimp out of the bag and put in hot running water. Then I prepare the other parts of the salad. When I finish, the shrimp  are thawed, and are ready to put on my salad. I keep the seedless fruit ready in my refrigerator. You can add a boiled egg, seedless grapes, pineapple, a few nuts, or just about anything you want to your salad.
Just try to keep your fat grams down to less then 9 for a full meal. I usually stay around 5 grams of fat.
Lower your carbohydrates. Yes, you can have about 6 crackers, (whole wheat) if necessary.
If you have a problem with gluten, you can get gluten free crackers.
2, Fish and steamed veggies.
I use the bagged steam veggies, but fresh veggies are better for you. But, if you are in a hurry, the steamed bag veggies are fine.
Question, do I ever want a candy bar, or something I know I should not eat? Well, YES!
And I may treat myself to a treat every once in a while, but, I do not let it make me feel bad or guilty. I enjoy it, then go right back to my routine.
Listen, if you crave something, you will eat yourself out of house and home, until you get a taste of whatever it is you want, so go ahead and get it over with and then smile and not let it get you down.
A free day is okay, every once in a while.
As Paula Deen says, " Sometimes you just need that good ole comfort food."
Just do not let a free day be everyday. Just once a week or every two weeks.
Well, this is all for today.  Just remember, you have to start somewhere at sometime.
Let today be your day.
TO BE CONTINUED...........




  1. Congratulations! This is such an amazing accomplishment. Well done by from another 'loser!' (to date this year: 48 lbs)
    Bless you, bless you, bless you.

  2. Go Homeschool Rookie. I am proud of you.
